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Thread: any body need music?

  1. #41
    Intelligent Posts :11
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    My Damn Reservation....

    my monkey spits....

  2. #42
    From Outta Space! Cozmo D's Avatar
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    Hey Ya'll.

    I'm in Florida at Tee's. Don't have much time to answer this right now, but I'll try to hit it up in depth later (if I'm not too schnozzed...heheheh :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: fftheair.

    All I can say real quick is this..I have absolutely no bias because I use them both...but...since 1992 I have been thru 4 macs, and at least 20 PCs.
    For stabillity...no contest...and thats what you want when you're dealing with your jewels. For performance...no contest...again, that is what comes essentially first. For speed...PCs are cheaper speedwise without a doubt, but processor speed means nothing when your computer keeps crashing.

    I'm not trying to start a mac/pc debate, because like I said, I use...and love...them both. I actually do my graphics on my pc now (it's faster than my mac and I have like 50x more harddrive space), but I would NEVER trust it with my PROFESSIONAL music.

    Atma, do any of your boys work on a mac, or have they? What about you? I would seriously like to know. Shit, Macs just got up to a 2 gig ram capacity, mine maxes out at 768. Believe me, ram is way more efficient on a mac (they've had protected memory since the '80s). I've been doing digital audio on mine since '92 (IIci 20mhz with 20 megs of ram!), so yeah, I'm trying to seduce you too...heheheh. Once you switch you will NEVER go back

    Oh, BTW, I have had 4 IDE harddrives go on me over the years, and I replace them fairly regularly. I have NEVER had a scsi drive go on me (mac or pc) and I still use every one that I've ever had.

    Ok...so much for my short post :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: , I'm gonna check in on that mixer and the other shit later (or tomorrow ).

    Ya'll have a good 1...and hey, wish Tee a happy birthday ya'll :wink:
    Tap the lightpole and we'll be jammin all night
    And ain't nobody callin' the cops
    'Cause everybody's here freakin', if they're older they're doin the rock
    And every block from all around
    Comes runnin' to the park when they hear the sound
    And soon the word's spreadin' through our part of town
    "Yo, 40 Park y'all, Jam-On's gettin down"

    Jam-On Productions:Website Forum

  3. #43
    Senior Member frEk's Avatar
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    happy b-day tee!!!!!!! and yo i'm startin to get the basics of the cubase shit, i even got it to make sound!! (shut up it took me a while to get the soft synths goin) but it goes down to 1/128 notes in the step recording which is perfect, i thought it was just 1/64 and i was real dissapointed (again it took me a minute to figure it out, and yes i do need 1/128 notes ) and you can draw clean sweeps for midi ccs n shit (i'm real fukkin anal about clean sweeps like that, even if ya can't really hear the difference, the math in me or sumthin) so drawin them in's gonna make shit much quicker.......anyway, i'm feelin the shit i gotta nab a midi interface asap, i mean i'm feelin the shit

    oh and i was trying to clean up my hard drive and wound up wipin it completely, oooops......nuthin important on it really though, just had to reinstall a few things and i'm now the proud new owner of 17 totally free gigs on it :thumup: hahaha

  4. #44
    Senior Member atma's Avatar
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    um, the 128 is the quantize setting. it's like the resolution per bar. in other words, if you're quantizing at 128, that means you're dividing up each 4 beats (a bar) into 128 tiny pieces, which is sort of extreme, and you're likely to get shit way off beat like that, unless you're doing nuts ass drum rolls or something. usually a setting of 16 or 32 should be sufficient.

  5. #45
    Senior Member frEk's Avatar
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    yeah mostly for like hi hats n other percussive shit, like stuttering kinda......most synth lines n shit 1/16 is fine....but again for like cc changes that are goin rapidly it's nice to have em in small incrementes, but i saw you can zoom in as far as you want so getting it in order shouldn't be a problem as long as your meticulous...but even thinking of notes in relation to a measure has gotten so alien to me, i'm so stuck in the microscopic editng procedure of my roland, 96 ticks to a beat i think of everything in relation to ticks, like if i want to call an 8 measure sample it has to be 3072 ticks, or a 1/128 note is 3 ticks which is kinda primitive i know but it's what i'm sooo accustomed to........but how does cubase handle repetitive parts? like my keyboard has a seperate section for patterns and in the main sequence i just use pattern calls, all my music is loop based so it really saves on memory......i think i saw a way to just copy a midi passage and place it somewhere else but is that like new midi information to cubase or is it referring to the same "pattern" but i guess on the computer it doesn't matter, on my keyboard though i can't fit a whole song into it's internal memory without organizing everything into patterns..........i gotta print out all the help files and go through a good reading of it anyway though

    and chief, my monkey spits farther

  6. #46
    king of useless info syxxpm's Avatar
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    Dumont, New Jersey

    whats the difference between a drum track and a noise filter?
    the vibe says syxx so let it be syxx......

  7. #47
    Senior Member atma's Avatar
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    you shouldn't really have to draw in all that shit by hand, frek. i mean when you're recording, cubase will record the cc data your synth is sending, so if you're moving a slider or knob or whatever on your synth, that will be recorded in there. then if you want, you could go in and edit any of that stuff by hand with the different tools. but the quantize resolution shouldn't affect the resolution of the cc data, there should be another place to adjust the settings of that stuff. another function of the quantize settings is to correct any offset notes that were recorded when you're playing. since your playing isn't going to be always perfectly on time, if some notes are way off, you can quantize and it will align all the notes to whatever resolution you set it to.

    as far as patterns, it's just whatever you want to do. you use the tools there to cut, copy, paste, edit, whatever, the midi or audio parts. making loops is extremely simple. you gotta make sure you have the display set to bars + beats and not seconds, that way you can set a start and end point, set it to loop if you want, and then set the time signature and tempo and all that stuff. then if you record a short part via midi, just copy it and paste it and you've got a repeating loop. and in cubase, midi isn't going to take up any space or memory, you can have infinite amounts of midi data happening, notes, sequences, whatever.

  8. #48
    Senior Member frEk's Avatar
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    cool, yeah i got a lot to learn about it, and i rather input all stuff by hand, notes, any controller movements.....it's not as time consuming as one might think plus theres more stuff you can do with it, like you can't by hand make a controller jump from like 0 to 127 without hitting shit in between for example, and stuff like panning n shit most modules probably don't have sliders for but i've seen midi controllers just for that, just tons of assignable knobs n sliders maybe i'll think about one a them, and oh yeah speaking of controllers again....can i use my same roland xp-50 as my master controller and as a full 16 part synth? like to control all my shit and still be controlled during a sequence playback....well first i gotta get a midi interface.......

  9. #49
    Senior Member atma's Avatar
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    um honestly i dont know, because all keyboards are different. you'll just have to try it and see. i mean, all you'd have to do is use it as the master controller for say, your sampler, and record the samplers part (using the master controller to play the part, or whatever you wanted to do) into cubase, and then cubase should play back whatever was recorded, so cubase would be playing back the sampler part and your master keyboard would then be free to do whatever you wanted with. cubase wouldn't be playing back into your controller keyboard to then control the sampler during playback, the controller keyboard would just initially input the necessary information into cubase, so it could play those sequences and changes back through the sampler by itself. seriously, you'll be able to arrange your setup so that almost no matter what, you can find a way to do something, one way or another. it's just gonna be up to you to figure out exactly what you want to do, and then find out how to acheive it, sometimes you might have to compromise and find work-arounds to do something, but in the end, you shouldn't have any problems doing pretty much anything you want to do.

  10. #50
    From Outta Space! Cozmo D's Avatar
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    can i use my same roland xp-50 as my master controller and as a full 16 part synth? like to control all my shit and still be controlled during a sequence playback....well first i gotta get a midi interface.......
    Yep, just turn off local control and it will only play when you have selected it via the sequencer. I'll run you all through it when we get together next week.
    Tap the lightpole and we'll be jammin all night
    And ain't nobody callin' the cops
    'Cause everybody's here freakin', if they're older they're doin the rock
    And every block from all around
    Comes runnin' to the park when they hear the sound
    And soon the word's spreadin' through our part of town
    "Yo, 40 Park y'all, Jam-On's gettin down"

    Jam-On Productions:Website Forum

  11. #51
    Senior Member atma's Avatar
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    hmm, i'm not sure if that's what he meant though. i thought he was saying like, have cubase playing something back on that unit while he was using it to control something else at the same time..? :donno:

  12. #52
    Senior Member frEk's Avatar
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    well both really, like to play any rack mount synths just to access them and to be able to control them while it's sounds are being accessed during a sequence. i guess i'd have to leave one channel open to do the latter though? anyway, i plan to dump the board and just get a big roland rack unit and get a plain old midi controller to do that shit..........oh and i started that electronic music class and damn!! they got some set up, like 7 synths at each station, mac g4s opcode interfaces samplers all kindsa shit, nice size isolation booth, a fukkin midi vibraphone and drum shit, must be a mil worth of equipment in the whole place.....while us in the math department get shit for grabbing a cup from the coffee maker wtf? oh and the best part........the gurl next to me got like purple n blue hair, turquoise eye brows, piercings, nice freaknick right up my alley...and she's a vocal performance major, so she gotta have a healthy set a lungs :laugh: oh and i nabbed a job in keyboards at sam ash, but it's full time, i'm gonna be fukkin swamped skool n work both full time so i might have to put off gettin together for a minute coz, even comin here might start to get scarce, i've even lined up a "baby sitter" to come walk baroo n hang out wit him for a little, it's that bad, like straigt from skool to work and vice versa, liek 12 hours total each day, and then find time to study n do homework, i'm gonna be stressin like a mofo, anyway i'll be sure to touch base still, peace for a minute to all youz (if anyone besides me, coz, n atma are even reading this thread still)

  13. #53
    king of useless info syxxpm's Avatar
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    Dumont, New Jersey

    im reading i just dont know anything a bout tech shit
    the vibe says syxx so let it be syxx......

  14. #54
    Senior Member atma's Avatar
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    did you figure out what that juno was or what the price on it is? if it's a 106 in good shape, nab it man, you wont regret it. that's such a flexible all around classic analog synth. those things are on more electronic albums than any other synth i can think of. i even recently read a quote from william orbit saying most of madonna's "ray of light" (which he produced) was made on a 106. i remember BE telling me the synth on music for carnivores is a juno as well.. anyway, just my opinion you can get some seriously lush pads with that thing...

  15. #55
    From Outta Space! Cozmo D's Avatar
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    did you figure out what that juno was or what the price on it is? if it's a 106 in good shape, nab it man, you wont regret it. that's such a flexible all around classic analog synth. those things are on more electronic albums than any other synth i can think of. i even recently read a quote from william orbit saying most of madonna's "ray of light" (which he produced) was made on a 106. i remember BE telling me the synth on music for carnivores is a juno as well.. anyway, just my opinion you can get some seriously lush pads with that thing...
    Yo, all true, but believe me the 60 burned it...just didn't have anywhere near the midi capabillities. I actually "upgraded" from the 60 to the 106, and while I wasn't dissappointed, the 106 definitely sounded thin in comparison.

    well both really, like to play any rack mount synths just to access them and to be able to control them while it's sounds are being accessed during a sequence. i guess i'd have to leave one channel open to do the latter though? anyway, i plan to dump the board and just get a big roland rack unit and get a plain old midi controller to do that shit
    Yeah, you can do both with the method I mentioned. As long as you have local control off on the keyboard then everything you do manually will be sent only to the sequencer, and will then effect whatever units you have selected thru the sequencer and will also be recorded of course if you are recording. This of course includes the keyboard itself. For instance, you can have multiple tracks of the xp50 being played by the sequencer while you are simultaneously using the xp50 to play and/or control the ms2000r and/or any other unit (including the xp50). I'm not sure about cubase, but in SVP you can even play/record as many multiple trax/units etc. simultaneously as you like, all while as many prerecorded trax/units etc as you wish are playing back. The only limit is the amount of midi trax and polyphony that your hardware contains. This can come in handy if you are using splits or recording from an external sequencer.

    oh and i started that electronic music class and damn!! they got some set up, like 7 synths at each station, mac g4s opcode interfaces samplers all kindsa shit, nice size isolation booth, a fukkin midi vibraphone and drum shit, must be a mil worth of equipment in the whole place
    Well, it's all over now...heheheh...no way you'll be going back to pc after you fukk with that shit :thumup:

    oh and i nabbed a job in keyboards at sam ash, but it's full time, i'm gonna be fukkin swamped skool n work both full time so i might have to put off gettin together for a minute coz, even comin here might start to get scarce, i've even lined up a "baby sitter" to come walk baroo n hang out wit him for a little, it's that bad, like straigt from skool to work and vice versa, liek 12 hours total each day, and then find time to study n do homework, i'm gonna be stressin like a mofo, anyway i'll be sure to touch base still, peace for a minute to all youz (if anyone besides me, coz, n atma are even reading this thread still)
    Shit FrEk, you probably won't even need to see me now, sam ash keyboard guys get mad fukkin perks...you'll be an expert in no time...and a loyal mac user as well...let me know when you're ready to dump your p4... :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

    If you need me tho, just let me know...you know where I'm at. :wink:
    Tap the lightpole and we'll be jammin all night
    And ain't nobody callin' the cops
    'Cause everybody's here freakin', if they're older they're doin the rock
    And every block from all around
    Comes runnin' to the park when they hear the sound
    And soon the word's spreadin' through our part of town
    "Yo, 40 Park y'all, Jam-On's gettin down"

    Jam-On Productions:Website Forum

  16. #56
    Senior Member atma's Avatar
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    ya, i'm sure you're right coz. i always hear that the sound of the 60 is much fatter than the 106, mainly because it has analog oscillators rather than the DCO's of the 106. BUT, the trade-off is that the DCO's stay much more stable than the analog oscillators, and the 106 like you said has the midi capability.. so i dunno. either synth is worth having around if you find one in good condition at a reasonable price. i've never gotten to try a 60 before so i can't really compare them.

  17. #57
    From Outta Space! Cozmo D's Avatar
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    either synth is worth having around if you find one in good condition at a reasonable price.
    Absolutely. Shit, there are a couple of sounds that I created on the 106 that I used fukkin crazy extensively that for the life of me I have never been able to recreate since.

    Another good thing about those units is they were fukkin built to last...so yeah, I would jump on em for the right price.

    Damm, those were the days...I used to feel I could create any sound I needed, now I just try to "find" them...definitely not as self rewarding.
    Tap the lightpole and we'll be jammin all night
    And ain't nobody callin' the cops
    'Cause everybody's here freakin', if they're older they're doin the rock
    And every block from all around
    Comes runnin' to the park when they hear the sound
    And soon the word's spreadin' through our part of town
    "Yo, 40 Park y'all, Jam-On's gettin down"

    Jam-On Productions:Website Forum

  18. #58
    Senior Member frEk's Avatar
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    today at work a rep from steinberg was in all day demo'ing sx, and i stuck around late jus to peep stuff, and i'm finally doin it......goin 'soft'.....and he signed off an order sheet for me to hook me up nice. i'm nabbin a copy of cubase vst sx, midex 8 midi interface, nuendo 8 i/0 96k audio interface, and a nuendo 96/52 pci audio card.....and damn we sell this shit in the store for like 36 hundred and change, and i'm gettin it for...........well.....................for less........................alot less...................................sweet :thumup: (and yeah i already have the actual program thanks to atma, but that part was only a hundred, so i figured just for the documentation and customer support n upgrade priviliges n shit it was worth it)

  19. #59
    Senior Member atma's Avatar
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    sx is really nice once you get your head around the basics. i used to use nuendo, but SX has so many other featues that nuendo doesn't, i finally switched.

    good luck with your setup.

  20. #60
    From Outta Space! Cozmo D's Avatar
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    Heheheh...those Sam Ash perks are paying off already. :thumup:
    Tap the lightpole and we'll be jammin all night
    And ain't nobody callin' the cops
    'Cause everybody's here freakin', if they're older they're doin the rock
    And every block from all around
    Comes runnin' to the park when they hear the sound
    And soon the word's spreadin' through our part of town
    "Yo, 40 Park y'all, Jam-On's gettin down"

    Jam-On Productions:Website Forum

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