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Thread: Zoloft SUX!!!!!!!!

  1. #1
    The one and only
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    Dec 2001

    Zoloft SUX!!!!!!!!

    i got nuthin....a whole lotta nuthin....i still have my vision and it's actually gettin better...honestly iwas on my way to brail classes.....none of my records are done...my depression has become phisically debillitating and i haven't talked to my prime motivator (COZ) in months....

    6!!!!!!!!!!!i need some comedy HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    blah... blah... blah...the universe.... what color underwear do you have on.....red i hope
    because that makes me warm....warm like brand nu video porn

    the astral planers

  2. #2
    Weird Boston guy Harmeister's Avatar
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    Done. Coz should call you in a few minutes.

    there we go, just right. keep walking...

  3. #3
    I ain't your sucka baby.. The_Kay_Dee's Avatar
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    It has side effects that are worse than the depression it is supposed to treat. I took it for 3 months and I ended up suffering from
    "Acute aggression syndrome." I wanted to fight everyone in sight for the smallest ans stupidest reasons. I shot a guys truck to death.
    (No joke. He cut me off in traffic and my son dropped his taco on the floor.
    I followed him half a mile then shot his truck ( I had a .45 acp taurus with Federal hollow points spaced between Glazer safety slugs. they dissintegrate on impact so as not to leave evidence). It died I peeled off and went home and decided it was time to STOP the madness. I called my Dr. and told
    him what was happening and about the guys truck and he took me off zoloft and I have never been happier!

    Quote Originally Posted by Be
    i got nuthin....a whole lotta nuthin....i still have my vision and it's actually gettin better...honestly iwas on my way to brail classes.....none of my records are done...my depression has become phisically debillitating and i haven't talked to my prime motivator (COZ) in months....

    6!!!!!!!!!!!i need some comedy HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    A man is where he loves, not where he lives....

  4. #4
    Senior Member aerotrooper's Avatar
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    What now Zolof?

    I alway's liked that cute little pill on the commercial that eventually bounces after the ladybug. I've heard terrible things about all anti-depressants now. Maybe it's not you that is having trouble. Maybe it's the world. Maybe your better than the world.

    Peace, Love, Happiness, Infinity.

  5. #5
    pm dawn fam til infinity Hero1's Avatar
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    Dec 2001

    be you really need to get off those drugs if it is at all possible..have you tried changing your diet..n do sum physical activity it helps the mind..depression is a medical illness that you cant just cure but there must be better ways to deal with it..im not sure loadin up on drugs is having a great effect on you...i hope you have sum kind of epiphany or a miracle occurs where you will fight back against the depression..i dont have the answers but i hope you find sum!!! chase the motherfuckin blues away!
    I've got amnesia.. I can't remember..

  6. #6
    Senior Member aerotrooper's Avatar
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    There really is a reason we have to hide.

    That's what you told me. Long time ago. I havn't been, but I'm still here... Where ever that is.
    If there is anything that can bring you joy.... Anything... Try it.
    If you're tryin' too hard... give up. let go. If you need to let it out... curse the almighty right off his high horse.... He's God, he can handle it. Take it, wrestle it to the ground then forget it. Exhaust it. Then get some sleep.

  7. #7

    the disease SUX!!!!!!!! 2

    Hi Be~!
    I'm new, but I feel your pain and hope I can add something that helps here.

    Anti-depressive drugs aren't the whole enchilada. Usually the process is they pick and choose, try it out for size for a month or so and see if it helps. (Sound familiar?) The thing about biochemistry and the brain is they have a lot of unanswered questions. Makes it tricky to know what to do for sure. Meanwhile, the person seeking help feels like a guinea pig.
    H's suggestion to watch your diet and exercise is a good one usually accompanied with an occupational therapist's help. The nutrition is how your brain works and things like caffeine, nicotine alter your brain chemistry. Check out the content of hydrogenated fats too 'cause they determined they make your brain swell as well as your ateries. The psychiatrist will help you with the pharmaceutical approach and behavioural therapies.
    Here's a few tips:
    2. scorpion city one persons struggle with depression
    For the humor, check out eBaum's WORLD
    Here's a sample of the jokes...
    "John O'Reilly hoisted his beer and said, "Here's to spending the rest of me life, between the legs of me wife!" That won him the top prize at the pub for the best toast of the night! He went home and told his wife, Mary, "I won the prize for the best toast of the night."

    She said, "Aye, did ye now. And what was your toast?" John said, "Here's to spending the rest of me life, sitting in church beside me wife." "Oh, that is very nice indeed, John!" Mary said.

    The next day, Mary ran into one of John's drinking buddies on the street corner. The man chuckled leeringly and said, "John won the prize the other night at the pub with a toast about you, Mary."

    She said, "Aye, he told me, and I was a bit surprised meself. You know, he's only been there twice in the last four years. Once he fell asleep, and the other time I had to pull him by the ears to make him come."

    I've watched one of my daughters and others struggle with this and it is a painful process. Anything I can do to help, just ask.

    Would be nice if they'd put the bucks into finding a cure for this like alcoholism it sucks the soul right out of you. *alcohol is a depressant too
    Funky world we live in when biochemists go to school for six years but make less than bartenders, eh.

    The Father's letter is for you. His ways are higher than ours. It takes time to grow a seed and bear good fruit. Rebuke the devourer. The battle is the Lord's and He will be victorious.

    If that makes me crazy then that's okay.
    Reverence for the Father and his instructions outweighs all else.
    In all directions, love one another give us grace for agreement with Your will.
    Leaving all else behind us.
    I love you God; show me the real truth not idols.
    Pleading the blood on life and the world all over.
    so be it.

  8. #8
    Intelligent Posts :11
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    My Damn Reservation....

    Be...my children and I will pray for ya man. Keep your head up sir. You do know that you are needed around here dont you?

  9. #9
    king of useless info syxxpm's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Be
    i got nuthin....a whole lotta nuthin....i still have my vision and it's actually gettin better...honestly iwas on my way to brail classes.....none of my records are done...my depression has become phisically debillitating and i haven't talked to my prime motivator (COZ) in months....

    6!!!!!!!!!!!i need some comedy HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    BE ...as soon as you read this .....leave a message on my answeringmachine and i will call you back as soon as i get home....(midnitish).....aw f*ck it as soon as i get home ill give you a call on your cell ...(hopefully you still awake by then......)....
    the vibe says syxx so let it be syxx......

  10. #10
    Senior Member Etherspin's Avatar
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    look into zoloft alternatives .. my younger sister (was only 16 at the time) had a nervous breakdown.. she was initially on zoloft.. but since they have put her thru courses of 2 other drugs that have less severe side effects and its far far better .. think the latest one is solian/lexipro , she also had rispiridal/rispiridone (**** dual names!!) before that and she is progressing well.. she is out of depression now
    "One day the absurdity of the almost universal human belief in the slavery of other animals will be palpable. We shall then have discovered our souls and become worthier of sharing this planet with them."
    ~Martin Luther King Jr.

  11. #11
    pm dawn fam til infinity Hero1's Avatar
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    its funny how the world works ..hey kay dee after reading this i went and watched the news and the 2nd story was about this guy who was like 70 years old and on anti depressants and there was this huge road rage incident where he tried to kill this guy in his street.. he thought it was this guy who had kept drivin down his street harassin him or sumthin and the victim had never been there b4.. the thing is depression is a medical condition..its not like you can suddenly be happy and you are out of it.. i know we all wanna see be get better because the irony is he's helped a lot of people in dark places with his music..so if we can do anythin 2 help him in return we'll do it
    I've got amnesia.. I can't remember..

  12. #12
    Senior Member aerotrooper's Avatar
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    It is funny and cool and good.

    First: off topic a little. HieroHero, I heard that, I was road trippin' once when I pulled in for gas while listening too Paper doll... I took the key's out and began pumpin' the gas when I realized Paper doll was playing on the overhead speakers... First I wigged out a bit... Usually I wouldn't, but the stress of the long drive and all. Then came wonderland... I gladly stepped into the magic of the moment and got a cup of coffee.
    Be's really hurting huh,
    I have a feeling he's about to embark on something that will blow away the scene again.
    Should I address this to you Be? My magic eight ball say's you can't pull things together like you use to. When it's with you, it's yours and if you give it, it'll be great. What your struggling with now is not what it is but you will be on the otherside where it's at. I'm not making promises because I really have no idea why I just said that... But I suspect it could be something so there it is.. what little I have, knowing the little I do.

  13. #13
    Senior Member aerotrooper's Avatar
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    Oh Geez

    I'm sure you don't need anymore advice.

    Some people swear by different "Alternative methods" All I know is that St. Johns wort IS effective for mild to moderate depression and seasonal effected disorder. I used for to get me through several MN winters. The only side effect is photosensitivity. (White people's skin burns in the sun quickly) I'm not sure how excessive sensitivity to sunlight effects darker skin tones. It works on the same chemicals as Zoloft so you have to work the transistion thing to be on the safe side.
    Valarien root is very calming. Taking it at a low dose can calm your mind... makes you feel like you just had a nice nap. In reality though you're probably pretty run down...and with your brain givin' you a break your body say's take me to bed. (can make you sleep.)
    Maybe we'll be looking back at the SSRI's in 20 years and think...dang, what was up with all that.

  14. #14
    Senior Member spidey's Avatar
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    Yes, Be..Zoloft is the fucking worst!

    My Doc put me on that crap when he thought I was suicidally depressed. It has the worst side effects. It sucks. All they do is make you numb.

    I'm here for ya, Be
    Wake me up at 9:45.

  15. #15
    Fierce Epiphany byrdie's Avatar
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    Hrm. I'm not a doctor and I've never been diagnosed with clinical depression, so there's not much of anything I can impart by way of personal experience. Some friends of mine who are not doctors would agree with many of the ideas put forth here:
    change of diet - I'm looking into The Schwarzbein Principle, as it's apprently helped diabetes and PCOS patients; it also claims to be effective in helping with "depression and mood swings"

    exercise - if you don't already have a favroite exercise or sport that you can do either alone or with folks, you may want to ask nearby friends if they'll help you experiment and find one. I'm fond of tennis, and found that the local Y has racketball courts that I can use as a tennis wall when I don't have a partner. Maybe, with the help of your friends, you can find something that works for you?

    daylight - of course, you're The Nocturnal so this gets tricky. Somewhere in the archives is probably a long description of why you don't do sunlight, but it's winter now so daytime doesn't necessarily mean sunny.

    I know two people who get sunsick -- will actually turn purple, blister and pass-out in the summer if they're not kept in cool shade. One, however, found this got better as a side-effect of taking a certain thyriod medication. A more recent acquaintence finds that his Vitamin B levels go into overdrive when sunlight hits his skin, and he goes rages. He has to wear gloves when he drives on sunny days for fear of letting sunlight touch his hands ane experiencing severe road rage.

    So ... short of overcast days, UV lamps and Vitamin C; I'm not sure of what to recommend here. Chances are, you've already experimented with this.
    The only book I have on depression states very clearly on the front that her work applies more to situational than clinical depression (The Depression Book by Cheri Huber, a Zen Buddhist monk). I've been reading the blog of author Steven Barnes; and while he's not the most tactful person in the world, he does have a lot to say about overcoming obstacles and fulfilling potential.

    You say that the music isn't coming - is it not, or are you not enjoying what you're producing? There's the idea that for every brilliant work, there's about fifty works of complete garbage that have to be released to make way for it. I remember reading that you've written and even released songs that you thought were crap -- maybe you should consider writing and recording the bad ones to make way for the good ones? Of course, that process is probably more expensive than I could imagine, but I'm certain that if you were willing to do forum sales, you could probably cover the cost of producing these albums and hopefully get back into making music that really matters to you. (And no, I'm not just saying this because I missed out on the album which shall not be named. ) If you're already producing this music but aren't happy with it, maybe there are more than just a few good tunes waiting their turn -- maybe you have a masterpiece that needs a lot of room.

    I guess that, like everyone else, if there was something I could do to help, I would offer it. But since I can't, I feel the ned to lob random suggestions at you to let you know that I'm at least willing to brainstorm for you.

    Much luck and love to you, Be.
    "Uncertain emotions force an ... uncertain smile." - The The

  16. #16
    king of useless info syxxpm's Avatar
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    man i feel sorry for him....last night some inconsiderate bastard called bes cell phone at around midnite and be was so freaked out he didnt know who was on the other end of the phone!...oh wait....that was me wasnt it.....BAD SYXX!!..BAD BAD SYXX!!(...dude if i woke you up im seriously sorry!)...
    the vibe says syxx so let it be syxx......

  17. #17
    The one and only
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    Dec 2001

    no 6....i couldn't hear you...because i'm always in the basement...and the signal sux down there
    blah... blah... blah...the universe.... what color underwear do you have on.....red i hope
    because that makes me warm....warm like brand nu video porn

    the astral planers

  18. #18
    Senior Member
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    On the corner of Grey Street and at the end of the world

    I'll say one thing about modern medicine, if it made to make me sicker to get me well, I don't wanna take it. Hang tough, Be. We're all pulling for you.
    If it's my world too, then whose gold is this I'm digging out

  19. #19
    Administrator eternals layre's Avatar
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    a jew a preist and a fuck it i ant think of a good joke right now. check out euro trip that shit is funny.
    America needs a Tennessee Volunteer

  20. #20
    Administrator eternals layre's Avatar
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    A doctor at a college campus is giving free physicalls for one week only. Early in the week a girl comes into his office, and the doctor asks her to remove her shirt. The girl proceeds and the doctor immiedietly notices the girl has a large A in the middle of her chest. The doctor asks how did you get that A on your chest. The girl responds by saying that her boyfriend goes to the univeristy of Alabama and when we make love he likes to keep his lettermans jacket on. The doctor finds this rather strange, but just shrugs it off. A little later that week he sees another girl and when she removed her shirt the doctor noticed a large I in her chest. The doctor asks how did you get that I in your chest. The girl tells the doctor that her boyfriend goes to the university of Iowa and when we have sex he likes to keep his lettermans jacket on. The doctor than begins to wonder if all college students keep their lettermans jacket on during intercourse. Even later that week another young women comes in and removes her shirt. Sure enought there is a large W carved into the womens chest. The doctor quickly asks, let me guess your boy friend goes to Wisconsin, the girl replies no, my girlfriend goes to Minnesota.
    America needs a Tennessee Volunteer

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