What do yall think of the protests back in the late 70's early 80's of those people that said disco sucks. This is in referrence to the beegee's discussion on the other post.

I really think those people suck who think that. Disco is important and I feel that the back lash on the BeeGees in the 80's was way uncalled for.

This all reminds of me of Jack black for some reason. He tends to think that there is nothing greater than punk or metal or anything other music than pop or disco. (not to put down any jack black fans) They had him interviewed on my local radio station and he was making fun of all artists that were not related to hard rock and then he goes into talking about how certain comedians suck. He can be brutal in my opinion but now everytime I think of those type of music listeners I just get an image of Jack Black for some reason.