my computer wont let me sign in......i can only go on sites offline now....for some reason when i sign in it gives me......
2.signing in
3.signing in attempt 2
4.signing in attepmt 3
5.signing in attepmt 4
6.signing in attempt 5
7. sorry we cannot connect you there is either a problem with your phone line or service provider....
the attempts are also now about 6 second apart...when they used to be 30 seconds......
recently i installed both yahoo messenger and aol messenger....did these or could these have anything to do with it?
i deleted both out of the system and im still getting the same shit
"basically im connected to the internet but i cant sign in and for some reason my msn messenger is not working and i cant get my email"
i deleted all my also typing you now offline.....
if you have any ideas on how i can fix these problems they would be gratefully appreciated....syxx