View Full Version : Loss

07-16-2004, 06:40 PM
I just became a totally free man.
I wonder if even though I am happy,
should I stop fighting myself and sit down and do what my heart wants to do and let it all out?
How do you guys and dolls weigh in on the subject of loss and moving on?

07-18-2004, 07:33 PM
If there is some sadness still lingering, I say get it out, get it all out and make the decision that from that moment on you are not going to allow yourself to be sad about the situation. But if there is no sadness there, and there may not be, don't force it because society or people around say you should be sad. Sometimes the grace of God gives you a peace that not even you understand and when that happens it is wonderful, so if you are truly not sad then go with it and enjoy your new life ;) ;)

07-20-2004, 08:17 PM
Kay Dee,

I will give you a quote from a former basketball teammate. (Ladies please don't get offended by this, these are his words and not mine. Please don't shoot the monkey, shoot the grinder!!)

"Nothing heals you faster than new [expletive deleted]! It works wonders! Shame that can't bottle it and sell it!"

smell me? (Do we still use that saying here on the site? :dunno: ).


07-20-2004, 09:14 PM
Originally posted by Louis85@Jul 20 2004, 06:17 PM
Kay Dee,

I will give you a quote from a former basketball teammate. (Ladies please don't get offended by this, these are his words and not mine. Please don't shoot the monkey, shoot the grinder!!)

"Nothing heals you faster than new [expletive deleted]! It works wonders! Shame that can't bottle it and sell it!"

smell me? (Do we still use that saying here on the site? :dunno: ).

I know that saying! I believe it to be true in certain cases.
I was just wondering, since I love this woman, WHY I didn't break down, cry or get sad. Foxy hit the target dead upon the missile.
I feel different since I met her. I began to get my life right and I thought she was the ONE. When she told me she was going away,
(3 or so days after I decided to take her back....) I didn't want to cry or anything. Everything just got REALLY, REALLY quiet.
I didn't think "Oh God! I'm losing her!" My mind went "O.k. she is leaving......" My second thought was to tell her daughter I love her and Goodbye. My third thought was "When can I get my RING and my shirts back?" I haven't wanted to get emotional since I talked to her.
I just feel at peace. ( I went out and partied afterwards, and I didn't feel bad about it.)
Thanks Louis! Anything helps.