View Full Version : SweetNsoFLyy say's

06-04-2004, 03:19 PM
SweetNsoFLyy: hey...i cant talk long, but please tell everyone on the site that i said hello,...ttyl...

06-04-2004, 03:48 PM
Damn, I miss those ladies. :sad:

Cozmo D
06-04-2004, 04:13 PM
She called me on Memorial Day. She said she would be stopping in. Yeah, we're sadly lacking femininity around here. :sad:

06-04-2004, 04:25 PM
speak for yourself.


did I say that outloud? :banghead: :banghead: :banghead:

06-04-2004, 11:42 PM
i think syxx is covering that very well.. femininity? fuck we are just lackin people full stop :madrant: :madrant: :madrant:

06-05-2004, 01:12 AM
ThanX FD... :)

yea Coz, I couldn't resist calling you to make sure you ate a piece of burnt barbeque for me. LOL. I don't know anyone else that likes burnt bbq, asides u and me...

but since you didn't eat any...it was cool talking to u nontheless...

Be still didn't call. haha :kekeke:


06-05-2004, 02:11 AM
Ah sweets!!!!

good to have you back, you are SORELY needed!

make this a habit, I hope

06-05-2004, 10:53 PM
NUh UH!!!!...Be is tired of leaving messages :madrant: ...well uhhh :happysad: ...i guess it's karma :kekeke:

06-06-2004, 08:08 PM
and for the record....i love burnt BBQ sauce...not too fond of charrrred meat though ;)

06-06-2004, 10:22 PM
come on be where are all you're groupie hoes? :poke:

06-07-2004, 06:47 AM
man...that was a long time ago...ain't seen a so called groupie in a long time...although ;) i did manage to find myself a gift at the miami gig :kekeke: well ...actually...it was more like :cuddle: and :kiss: and less like :hitinit: which is why i love playing outta town....i think they're sic o me in NYC...can't never get none...it's always like :ugh: in nyc...i gotta get evette ta lace a bruh

Cozmo D
06-07-2004, 09:45 AM
Most of Yvette's friends are aging out! :rofl:

Rhonda may be able ta hook ya up tho. ;)

I'm probably gonna be in Miami myself this weekend.

06-07-2004, 12:40 PM
be all you need to do is to call 1-800-dial a hoochie :rock: :roll: :lolbonk:

06-07-2004, 08:47 PM
Just don't mis-dial. This is very key. Dial-a-hungflea isn't what you desire.....

06-07-2004, 10:44 PM
Originally posted by Coz@Jun 7 2004, 11:45 PM

I'm probably gonna be in Miami myself this weekend.
dont go blind by staring at all that ass :shock: