View Full Version : The world eats its young doesn't it?

03-28-2004, 06:57 PM
Ah sweet corporate world how i love ya! I swear "the machine" called work is going to kill me by the time i'm 35. (which is roughly 5 years away) Life itself has its share of crap and more crap but corporate life....EGAD!!!! It's like an insane asylum trying to work in some offices. I've come to believe everyday idea are used based nothing on what makes sense. Its all about Jones and Smith and what they think is the hunky dorey sort of stuff for the company.

It's enough to make someone loose focus and hope sometimes. Thankfully my sole existance isn't based off this junk. I need a clear cut "Free Lum the Mad Plan" set up so i can end this little farce. People aren't meant to deal with such random corporate BS. It just isn't healthy.

I suppose it falls into the area if you don't like it then :::blah blah blah::::: It just isn't this job tho. I think it's the world. I mean look at BE. He's far more sucessful than i've ever been and he still gets the run-around like crazy. It seems there is always some sort of garbage to get in your way i guess. O.k....done with my rant. Anyone got any Milk Duds?m

03-28-2004, 07:33 PM
What you say is very true....EVERYBODY has their share of stupid Bulls**t to deal with. And most of that Bulls**t is stuff that we SHOULDN'T have to deal with. But as we all know, life is not fair. No matter whether it comes from dealing with the outside world, or dealing with personal issues. That's just life.

And I am sure that Be would tell you that fame or celebrity does not make you exempt from dealing with life. Even those who seem to have "perfect lives" on the surface, really don't in most cases. They are just better at HIDING their problems than others are, that's all.

I wish that this was not true, though, cuz it SUCKS....But all we can do is the best we can...If there is one thing that I have learned is that we have to count our blessings EVERY day, and try to remember that no matter how bad things may get for you, there is always SOMEONE out there who is worse off than you!

Like the old saying goes: "I once was sad because I had no shoes, until I met a man who had no feet."


03-28-2004, 07:45 PM
No doubt. I share the same feelings. It's just a thresehold sometimes dumps over on you and you just freak the hell out. ****Still i agree...be thankful for all the positives..ignore the negative and look out for Mr. Inbetween--or something---

The post just had a lot to do with the mega corporate GUNK i've been dealing with. It's some mind drubbing sort of crap. It makes having this place a very wondeful sort of thing.....

03-28-2004, 07:50 PM
I know what you mean. We all get to the point where we need to blow off steam sometimes. And yes, this is a great place to come when you feel mistreated by the world. I have been so glad to have it! :)

03-29-2004, 06:57 PM
considered a different line of work ??

03-29-2004, 08:42 PM
I have indeed. Many lines of work tho have their BS elements to them. I'll have to go digging a bit again to see what might lie out there. If i were handy that might be helpful.....alas this Lum shows little handiness.

Cozmo D
03-29-2004, 09:16 PM
I'm doing exactly what I would DREAM of doing in life...and still I have to deal with immense tons of bullshit! :sad:

03-30-2004, 12:03 AM
I just have to work on the staying sane part. Ironic since part of my name has "the mad" in it. :tinker:

I am pretty happy it's just the heavy freaking tornado's of massive bulldunk that can whoop your ass.

03-30-2004, 03:58 AM
I aint doing my DREAM job yet, exactly what i wanna do, but i have a job as a carer for people with severe autism and challenging behaviours and it is rewarding as hell, no matter how much of an asshole a manager or someone might seem(which mine are not anyway) you come home thinking that you just made someones life that bit easier or better...


03-30-2004, 07:41 PM
Helping out people in need is at the very least rewarding. I'm sure it is rather tough as well. I used to take care of mentally retarded adults and that was a rough rough little job. Very demanding emotionally and physically when a meltdown would occur. It was a positive experiance but a draining one.

All the insurance business is is one big screw over everyone fest. They like to think it's like life and death at this place tho. It's sorta sick......