View Full Version : READ THIS!

09-14-2003, 08:21 PM
Hello Tiger Chan;

> I am a man living Malaysia.

and I am a young man living in Pennsylvania. :)

> I know this is a silly story I'm gonna tell
> here, at least this forum is a place where I can
> get to meet people from different parts of the
> globe.

That's something I like about this group too. The
common bond seems to be, most people here believe in
the jinn. (or their local variants) For me, I've never
actually met a Muslim before I joined this group..
Islam is very taboo where I live.

> First off, I'll have to inform that English is
> not my native language, so I do have quite a
> difficulty writing properly.

Your English is okay. Small grammar mistakes, not too
important. Better than many American's English!

"WAZ UP?!!"
"O.K. CUL8R"


> Later I realised that it was an evil jinn. It was
> helping the man to perform his witchcraft. Then it >
became a nightmare for me because more of those
> jinns came, one after another like my world
> had turned into a sort of war-zone. They gave all
> sorts of visions. I knew I wasn't
> hallucinating, ... and the jinns came with one
> purpose, to drive me insane enough so that I would
> commit suicide.

About this nightmare reality, something I've learned
from talking to Conspiracy Theorists is that we color
our perception of the world we live in. That is, when
a conspiracy-paranoid person believes the world is
controlled by evil people who want to hurt the person,
they filter all informational input to support this
idea. Then all they see is a world controlled by evil
people. This is just one example.

As you say, first you realized it was an evil Jinn,
and later your life came to be a sort of war-zone.

The spirit world, in my opinion, has a notorious habit
of becoming everything we expect of it. A person who
wishes to see ghosts (parapsychologists) will come to
see ghosts everywhere. A person who wishes to see the
Virgin Mary will come to see the Virgin Mary
everywhere, even in a basketball hoop. (as actually
happened in Pennsylvania recently.)

This is not to say that Jinn are not real. I think
they are real. What I question here is how we as
people and human thinkers perceive the Jinn.

> You see .. I am a Muslim. I remember verses of the
> Qur'an to be careful of some trickeries coming from
> evil spirits. At first I was so afraid, then later >
on I began to enjoy seeing them coming. I was
> beginning to study them ...perhaps they realised
> that, and soon they started to avoid me.

Relate this to what I said earlier.

The Qur'an warned of evil Jinn, and so you were
careful, cautious, suspicious of their nature. In your
suspicion, you became afraid. They plagued you.

Later, you began to enjoy them. You began to study
them, and you gradually (?) became calmer. Then, they
started to avoid you. (at least the evil ones)

I believe good jinn frequent holy places. I think
Angels are jinn that are loyal to the Creator and stay
near good and religious people to protect them.

When you go to a real holy place, sometimes it feels
strangely peaceful and pleasant. I think this is a
sign of the presence of good angels. I think sincere
prayer and regular devotions attracts them there.

> Damn those people who are atheists!

I like athiests. I've learned if you take a religious
concept, and run it by athiests, they are like a
purifying fire. They take the elements of a belief
that are unnecessary and remove them.

Also, athiests have jinn of their own. They think
they're UFOs. Stories sound exactly the same though.

As for the Creator; I've always taken the studies of
Physics and Evolution as the best demonstration of a
Creator I've ever seen. If anyone can prove the
existance of a Creator, I think it will be Athiests.
(divine irony)

time to go

Cozmo D
09-15-2003, 08:00 AM
Read This!

And? :donno:

DJ Detroit Butcher
09-15-2003, 08:05 AM
The fuck is your point?

09-15-2003, 10:40 AM
No point. Just something to read.

I wanted attention as well.

09-19-2003, 01:08 PM
I've noticed...